Sunday, July 12, 2009

Vol. 1 No. 11 Love

The Afters have a song in which this line comes from: "love is an ocean wide." Wow! What a concept! But oh how true.
Now granted if we think about love in a human context the above statement is an exaggeration. For we know that human love doesn't go the distance. Now a days if a couple can get past a few weeks/months they think they have accomplished much. It is so sad to see so many couples floundering on the bottom wondering how they ever got there. Many only think they are in lolve when in fact they are only "looking for a feeling." "Please make me feel good. If you can't maybe someone can."
Oh the heartbreak of such thinking.
Too many couples today have no real basis of loving someone. There is no commitment to a life long relationship. Many have been starved for affection even while they were at home. Their role models have not been good.
So how does the words of the above song fit? It can only come from an ongoing relationship with the living Jesus. The One whose love is never ending and without judgement. That does not mean we can do as WE please and there be no consequences. But the truth is that He will never stop loving us no matter what we do or what has been done to us. Nothing separates us from His love. He loves us no matter what. His "love is an ocean wide." That's the kind of love we need to have and to pass on to others.
Let's stop preaching to people that they are going to hell for ______ (you fill in the blank). People need to know that they are loved.
As we learn to love (Christ in us) and love as He loves us, others will desire just that kind of affection. Then we need to let God do the rest.
Jus' Thinkin.

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