Sunday, July 12, 2009

Vol. 1 No. 11 Love

The Afters have a song in which this line comes from: "love is an ocean wide." Wow! What a concept! But oh how true.
Now granted if we think about love in a human context the above statement is an exaggeration. For we know that human love doesn't go the distance. Now a days if a couple can get past a few weeks/months they think they have accomplished much. It is so sad to see so many couples floundering on the bottom wondering how they ever got there. Many only think they are in lolve when in fact they are only "looking for a feeling." "Please make me feel good. If you can't maybe someone can."
Oh the heartbreak of such thinking.
Too many couples today have no real basis of loving someone. There is no commitment to a life long relationship. Many have been starved for affection even while they were at home. Their role models have not been good.
So how does the words of the above song fit? It can only come from an ongoing relationship with the living Jesus. The One whose love is never ending and without judgement. That does not mean we can do as WE please and there be no consequences. But the truth is that He will never stop loving us no matter what we do or what has been done to us. Nothing separates us from His love. He loves us no matter what. His "love is an ocean wide." That's the kind of love we need to have and to pass on to others.
Let's stop preaching to people that they are going to hell for ______ (you fill in the blank). People need to know that they are loved.
As we learn to love (Christ in us) and love as He loves us, others will desire just that kind of affection. Then we need to let God do the rest.
Jus' Thinkin.

Vol. 1 No. 10 A Short Story

I recently read this story and wanted to pass it on.

Every year Mary, Holy Spirit, and the Bible get together and weep. As they are weeping, Mary says, "I brought Him into this world. I gave Him life on this earth. But they have worshipped me and have stolen glory from my son."
Then Holy Spirit speaks and says, I did not come to speak of Myself. I did not come to reveal Myself. I came to magnify and glorify Him. But they have made Me central."
Finally, the Bible, also weeping, speaks and says," I came to point men and women to Him. I came to testify of Him. I came to make Him known. But they have made a god out of me."

The centrality of anything other than Christ is a betrayal of the new species.

Think about it. To whom do we make the central thought of our faith.

Jus' Thinkin.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Vol. 1 No. 9 Some thoughts

Well, its been over a month since I last wrote anything on this blog. Some may have been wondering (and then again you may have not) has he been doing any thinking?
Yes I have. But, I have not taken the time to write.

One of the things that I have been thinking about is Do I Get It? And by that I am wondering about my destiny. For those who know anything about 'personal prophecy' you know that 'words' have been given and I have even given them myself thinking that I had heard from God. Now that in itself is a mind blower. To say with certainity that you have heard from God for another person and what God is telling them through you is overwhelming. But at one time I did not think that it was that overwhelming. Now I have become very careful to attribute a 'word of God' to a person.
The reason being so much of it has been abused. Even I have abused it in the past. Now I am trying to find a middle of the road, if you will, regarding prophecy. I strongly believe that God speaks. My concern is over the 'personal prophecy and destinies' that some speak and those receiving take to heart without judging it.
So I am still wondering do I get it yet? And to be honest, I am not there. I still have a long way to go and I am sure that God is going to help me get it.
That's all for now folks. Jus Thinkin'

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Vol. 1 No. 8 The Meeting

It was that time again for the church officers to meet. The usual order was finally taken care of, when it was brought to the attention of all that a young man of the congretation wanted to be considered as full time for ministry.
He had his own plan for his salary and shared his goal and vision of his ministry. He had already been "doing ministry" which revealed a keen insight into his love for the Lord. As the meeting progressed, the Administrative Pastor (AP) questioned his need to be considered "full time ". We then began a discussion that eventually lead to the AP's concern over being paid to be in the ministry. Most of us as officers of this particular congregation had been "paid" pastors at one time or another, and now we were the "tent makers". (earning a living outside the church)
As I sat and listened to the discussion I began to wonder if this AP would be as much involved in "ministry" if she were not paid. To those of us that had become "tent makers" we knew where we stood. But to those who were still in the paid ministry they were at a loss.
Most were in agreement to 'allow' this young man to become "full time", execpt for the AP. The response from the AP was that he shouldn't have to be paid to be in the ministry.
I was shocked to say the lest regarding the AP's statement. So much to the point that I began to watch closely what the "paid staff" was doing in comparison to those of us who were "tent makers". Except for the time that we had to spend in our other vocations we put in as much or more as the paid staff did.

Well, I got to thinking about this later on when I was told that the AP of that congregation stepped away from that position and took a full time job. This person no longer did the things that they were once paid for. So again, I began to think how fitting is this. You see when the 'shoe is on the other foot' your outlook changes as well.
Just recently I heard someone speaking and a thought brought me back to that unforgettable meeting that I just shared with you. Paid to be a Christian.
For all those years that I was in the ministry that's bascially where I was. I was paid to be a christian. Everything I did I was desirous of sometype of payment. But more than a few times all I had really wanted was financial gifts.
Was I so different than that AP? It took me sometime to realize that for almost twenty years I was paid to be a christian. That was a sobering realization. Yes, I had been just as hypocritical as that AP.
Now some six years from that above described meeting I find it quite interesting at the statements of young adults who want to be in the "ministry" so that 'that is all I have to do'.
Let others pay me to be a christian is what they are really saying.
The other side of this coin is not just financial payment but the accolades we desire. Granted, we all want to be patted on the back for a job well done, but how do we legitimize ministry and accolades? Do we want to be recognized for all that we do so others will say hey that's great or even still 'man what's wrong me that that's not happening in my ministry'. We just don't realize sometime how it makes others feel that they are not seeing results. But to some,I admit, that the sharing of such 'trophies' inspires faith for them to continue keeping on.
Well, that's me---Jus Thinkin'.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Vol 1 Number 7 Part 2 The Mystery

One could say with theological accuracy that the Church was within the
Godhead for eternity, just as was all creation was awaiting to be spoken forth, or if you will, birthed.
Remember in Genesis 1 Moses wrote "and God said, Let there be...and there was..." Whatever God was creating on that particular day as He spoke it it came into being. All throughout the Bible God speaks and then something happens. There was the creation of the universe and all that exist within, above, around, and on that God spoke into existence. The God who speaks also said that it was not good for man to be alone. Thus from the side of man He brought forth a new part of man. A part that was already there, but now a new part. This God who spoke, spoke a song. A love song of ultimate porportions. One that would last an eternity. This is God's Song. It is romantic song of passion, of longing for companionship even beyond the Godhead. An endearing relationship with mutual friends and lovers.
Just as it was not good for the first Adam to be alone, God saw that it was not good for His Son to be alone. Just as the 'woman' was taken out of Adam's side as he slept, so God took from Jesus' side at the crucifixion (where the blood and water flowed) a 'woman.' As he slept in death a woman was coming forth from Jesus. This woman is the mystery that the Godhead had waiting to reveal for centuries.
This was all part of the divine plan that Adam was created in loneliness to reveal the loneliness of the Godhead to share Himself with someone else. The loneliness of God can be seen in the willingness to make humankind in His own image. Just as Adam was created alone and needed someone to share his life with, the Godhead wanted "another" outside of Himself to share Himself with.
The first Adam expressed loneliness as he completed naming all the animals. God saw that it was not good for the man to be alone. This is not an afterthought on God's part. As stated earlier, it was all part of the divine plan. So from within the first Adam the first woman was birthed. A shadow(something that would be revealed in Jesus later) of what the Godhead had in mind for the Second Adam's Second Eve---the Church.
As Jesus hung on the cross ans was split at his side a new woman came forth. This second Eve, the church, the mystery which Jesus had declared earlier that he would build was not of man's doing.

Well, that's me Jus Thinkin' (Later on there will an addition to these two.)

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Vol 1 Number 6 Time

Before time, what was there...?
Time is a measurement of basic seconds, minutes and hours. Was there measurement of time "in the beginning?" Some scholars have answered, "NO" and then proceeded to inform us that before "time" there was only eternity.
I suggest that the genesis of time itself was overlapped in and by eternity. Now the two not only exist, but they co-exist.
One thing for certain is that time wasn't new to the Godhead even though they lived in eternity.
Some have pontificated that at the genesis of creation the Godhead did not know "Time" only eternity. But that could not be due the fact that God is The Godhead. The All -knowing is all knowing.
Why so much about time? Only to propose the aforementioned questioned, "Before time, what was there?"
My answer---the Godhead---the ageless purpose of the Godhead that underscores all the mystery of why are we here?
This ageless purpose is the revealing of a mystery. Something that has been hidden but is being revealed. Paul stated in Eph. 3:4,5 that "the mystery of Christ...has now been revealed by the Spirit to God's holy apostles and prophets." He then later went on to say that this "great mystery...I speak of concerning Christ and the chuch." Eph. 5:31,32
So why ask,"before time, what was there?" is to suggest that within the Godhead the mystery, the Church, has always been the ageless purpose or drama that the Godhead has sought to unveil.
The church referred to here is not the institution or the system of religion that we see all too often today broken in fragments around the world called denominations or even 'movements', but the true church that Jesus himself said that he would build and that the gates of hell will not prevail against it. These broken fragments are not the ones that I see being victorious in these latter days. It is this one unfolding romantic drama that not only survives but remain strong and fluent. This is a priceless girl, so expensive that only the blood of God could puchase her. She is the divine representation. A drama that has been set to the opening music of a beautiful romance.
This purpose, this drama, this mystery is and has been in the Godhead waiting to be revealed or better yet to be reflected back to the Godhead. As if to say, the Godhead was pregnant with all of creation including the Church.

Well, that's me, Jus Thinkin' . Part 2 later.

Monday, April 20, 2009

A Friend

On Sun. evening I received word that a close friend has been diagnosed with a second type of cancer. The tears flowed as I thought about what he has already gone through and having a kidney transplant.
I sat on the porch and thought about his other two brothers; one who is still facing problems resulting from cancer, and the other who passed away last November. Oh, how I wept and fought back my anger at this disease. And yes, honestly I had to ask God "Why?". My friend has already gone through so much why not a reprieve?
Yet in the midst of my tears, anger, and questions I know that my friends faith will remain strong. He has seen God work in his life so many times. No, healing's haven't come in miraculous ways but they still have come in other various manifestations.
My heart grew so heavy that it hurt as I sat on the porch wondering why was this continually happening to not just this friend, but to this family?
No, the answers did not come. I knew that my thoughts, tears, and questions were my prayers at the time.
Sometimes our struggles are not taken away from us. Sometimes we seem to be bombarded with more and more until everything within us and under us is about to break. Sometimes it does break and in that falling, screaming flight we remember God does love us. He has and will never leave us or forsake us. He is with us in our struggles. Struggles for our friends and for ourselves never separate us from His love for us. He is even praying for us during these times. Just as He did for Peter, who even though denied Jesus, yet came to know Him in such a way that he died for Him. That kind of prayer is for us as well. Not just prayer through the struggles, but afterward . "Lord, help us hang in with YOU."
[there are scriptures that support the last paragraph, but I did't include them. all found in NT]

Well, that's me. Jus Thinkin'