Thursday, March 26, 2009

Vol 1 Number 2

Recently, my youngest grandson has wanted to play 'Hide and Seek' whenever we're together. He really likes playing the game, but he has a unique way of playing. When it's his turn to hide I am to count to 10 and then and look. Sounds familiar so far, but then he adds a twist. About the time I get to where he is "hiding" he jumps out at me with this big grin on his face, shouting "You found me!"
He seems to get more joy out of jumping out at me than for me to actually 'find' him. Oh the joy of being a 'Pop" and learning how to play the game!
This has caused me to think a lot about the 'seeking' part. Maybe at another time we'll look at the 'hiding' part of the game.
To seek in this game one must put forth an effort [according to whom you are playing with]. One must be diligent to 'find' whatever or whomever is hiding. Without sounding to redundant we, you and I are the ones that must do the seeking.
With eyes wide open we must look/seek to find. There should be a diligence on our part that causes us to do whatever is necessary to find that which is important. We do all we can to 'seek and find'.
Like playing with my grandson, I will do all I can to seek after him so that I can find him and share in the joy of seeing his smiling face once again. And what excitement there is. So much so that he wants me to find him again.
I have been thinking about how we are suppose to be seeking God. Jesus said things like "Seek first the kingdom of God..." That's right---we are to seek. This requires a searching on our part. A reaching out if you will for the Pearl of Great Price.
To 'seek first the kingdom of God' we must reach out and search for him. He is there but are we looking.? Are we like the disciples on the road to Emmaus [Lk. 24]? Walking down the road with a 'stranger' only to find out later that it was Jesus Himself. What an eye opening experience!!! Yet in all reality that is the way we are. He is always around, yet we're the ones that aren't looking for Him.
I speak from years of experience of not seeking even while I was in the ministry. For too many years I did 'ministry' on my own without God's help. Why should I have to seek God when all I had to do was read a book and do what it said.
Thankfully, I did have an experience that caused me to finally let God be my Guide, my map, but I would have to seek Him. From that I began a journey that continues today. A seeking that keeps me reaching out to the One who has my back; to the One who loves unconditionally. The journey is tough at times, but at least He isn't hinding I'm seeking.

Hey that's me Jus thinkin.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Vol 1 Number 1

Well, I've finally done it. Here I am in this new world of communications. I pray that this goes well.

Lately, I've been thinking about some oldies but goodies songs that I hear from time to time.
One recently that has stuck out to me is Tina Turner's "What's Love Got to Do With It".
It was such a popular song at the time of its release mainly due to its personal tone given her situation at the time.
But, oh how misleading the title really is. Without love there is no relationship there is only one night stands. One night stands cause heartache, a downward spiral into self-abuse and finally emotional destruction or even physical end. So what does love got to do with anything? Everything!
Without the gift of love no one really knows just how strong relationships are. Relationships of love are the ones of friendship and sacrifice. We pride ourselves on being loving and having meaningful relationships, yet when it comes to actually living out that relationship in terms of a "God relationship" we are taken aback or run to hide. This "God relationship" is the one that we should be walking toward or running to be in the open.
We are at a time in our history that cries loudly for love with God. He has already made that step many years ago in and through Jesus, His greatest example of Love. This love in and through Jesus is the very reflection of God Himself. It is this love that will make all the difference in our lives. This love will show us how to return that love to others, but most especially to God.
So, whats love got to do with it? Again, everything.
Well, that's all for now. It's me, jus thinkin.